Graphic Design

Collins Cocktail Mixers

Layout | Packaging | Photo Styling

Packaging a Chicago Classic for National Distribution

Duration 5 months
Roles Graphic Design | FDA Label Regulation | Photo Art Direction
Tools Illustrator | InDesign

A refresh for Collins Brothers line of cocktail mixes and garnishes, done in response to a Walmart RFP.

Collins was acquired and redesigned by True Brands in 2015. When I came along, they were dreaming of landing a Walmart RFP. To do so we would need to tighten up the overall design and presentation, bring the labels up to 2019 FDA regulations and quickly respond to requests from Walmart. I was the sole designer on this project, working with a brand manager and the sales team, we won the bid. Feedback from Walmart included top marks for the label design and gratitude for working within their customer’s needs.

After an exciting advancement in the bid, it was time to update the labels. As none were FDA compliant, the entire label needed to be overhauled. We brought the origin story and the new cleaner ingredients to the front to help sell the story. I also created more primary display space by condensing both side panels, and created a new set of scalable drink icons to pair with the recipes.

We made it on the shelf! Ranking us highest in design and flavor out of those up for the bid, Walmart was willing to take a risk on an unknown brand. You can now find Collin’s classic black and white branding popping off shelves across the country.